CM 159: Wayne Baker On The Power of Asking

How much of a role can asking others for help play in achieving our goals?

It turns out, quite a bit. In fact, research shows that we’re more likely to achieve success if we make asking for help a part of our strategy. Yet, according to Wayne Baker, author of the book, All You Have to Do Is Ask: How to Master the Most Important Skill for Success, most of us rarely do.

There are a number of reasons why. One of the most common is our fear that we’ll be seen as incompetent. Another is our assumption that we’ll be rejected when we ask. Yet research reveals what tends to happen is the opposite. Wayne explains, “The research shows very clearly that even strangers are very likely to help…so, you start with the assumption that most people will help you if they can, and they want to help you.”

In this interview, Wayne describes tools we can use to get better at asking for help. He even shares the story of putting one of these tools to work for a very special ask of his own — his tenth wedding anniversary. In fact, his ask led to him giving his wife a surprise ring on national television. Wayne explains, “I had it in my pocket, and I asked them for permission to give it to her. And they let me do it, on air. It was amazing…It was just this incredible experience.”

Wayne Baker is Professor of Management and Organizations at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business and Professor of Sociology at the University of Michigan. He is also faculty director of the Center for Positive Organizations and co-founder and board member of Give and Take. His writing has appeared in publications like, Harvard Business Review, Chief Executive Magazine, and MIT Sloan Management Review.

The Host

You can learn more about Curious Minds’ Host and Creator, Gayle Allen, and Producer and Editor, Rob Mancabelli, here.

Episode Links


Heather Currier Hunt of IDEO

Center for Positive Organizations

Givitas – Give and Take

Amy Edmondson

Troika Consulting

Reciprocity Ring

Stand-up Meeting: The Definitive Guide

On the Folly of Rewarding A, While Hoping for B by Steve Kerr

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