CM 222: Steve Magness on Real Toughness

How we think about toughness needs a reset. Too often, it’s been associated with brute forcing our way through things. Ignoring our feelings. Making an outward show of confidence and dominance.

The problem is it just doesn’t work.

Performance coach and bestselling author, Steve Magness, offers another way. He’s done a deep dive on the latest research on toughness and performance. In his book, Do Hard Things: Why We Get Resilience Wrong and The Surprising Science of Real Toughness, he discusses the misconceptions of our current model. Then he offers a new one informed by the latest in neuroscience and psychology research. Along the way, he translates research findings into practical steps we can take to make the shift.

If you’re a performance junkie, you’ll gain a lot from this interview. You can also apply his ideas to managing your teams. If you enjoy Steve’s approach, check out my previous interview with him on finding your passion at work and in life, episode 142.

Episode Links

How to be More Resilient, According to an Elite Performance Coach

The Secret to Developing Resilient Teams and Organizations

Changing This 1 Word in Your Thoughts Can Boost Mental Toughness and Resilience, Psychologists Say

Steven Callahan

Atlas Obscura: An Explorer’s Guide to the World’s Hidden Wonders by Joshua Foer, Dylan Thuras, and Ella Morton

The Team

Learn more about host, Gayle Allen, and producer, Rob Mancabelli, here.

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