CM 270: Alex Budak Helps Us Become Changemakers

Most of us believe we can make a difference in the world. That we can have an impact. What holds us back from acting on those beliefs are often the doubts. Doubts about our skills, our credentials, even our roles at work.

Alex Budak studied the research and interviewed the changemakers, and he argues we can all be changemakers, no matter our resumes. That’s what led him to write his book, Becoming a Changemaker: An Actionable, Inclusive Guide to Leading Positive Change at Any Level.

I was inspired by Alex’s book and our conversation. I walked away with a changemaker playbook on the mindset, leadership qualities, and behaviors to make it happen.

Episode Links

Finding Leadership Treasures in World Cup Trash

Stop Waiting for Permission

Be the Light

Interview with Sheena Iyengar

The Team

Learn more about host, Gayle Allen, and producer, Rob Mancabelli, here.

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