CM 272: Julia Hotz on the Connection Cure

Each day, millions of doctors write prescriptions for drugs intended to help their patients. But what if many of our modern health ailments, like depression, anxiety, and chronic pain, would benefit as much, if not more, from a social prescription?

What if nature, art, movement, and service could reduce our symptoms, decrease doctor visits, and improve our health?

These are questions Julia Hotz set out to answer. Julia is author of the book, The Connection Cure: The Prescriptive Power of Movement, Nature, Art, Service, and Belonging. By sharing research findings, as well as people’s stories from around the world, we get to see a whole other side of medicine.

After reading her book, I’m more convinced than ever we need to seek out and prioritize healthy social time.

Episode Links

New Horizons in Medicine: Why Art, Service, and Nature Might Be What the Doctor Orders

What If Your Doctor Could Prescribe Fishing Trips or Art Classes? Social Prescribing on the Rise

Doctor’s Orders: A Social Prescription for Health

Interview with Geoffrey Cohen

The Team

Learn more about host, Gayle Allen, and producer, Rob Mancabelli, here.

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