CM 275: Mithu Storoni on Working Smarter

As a knowledge worker, you face two challenges. First, you need to take in staggering amounts of information to stay current. Next, you’re expected to convert that information into innovative solutions that benefit your team and your company.

While expectations for consuming and processing information have changed, most of our mental habits harken back to factory model days. Yet we’re ignoring the tremendous power of our human biology, namely, our brains.

What if we designed an optimal work style built around key features of the human brain? That’s the question Mithu Storoni works to answer in her book, Hyperefficient: Optimize Your Brain to Transform the Way You Work. She likens brain function to a car engine with multiple gears. Then she shares how to best put those gears to work for us, and how best to shift them as circumstances change.

It’s just the right book – with just the right information – for the age we’re living in.

Episode Links

Uncertainty is Uncomfortable, and Technology Makes It Worse. That Doesn’t Have to Be a Bad Thing

Help! It Turns out Breaks Make You More Productive

Interview with Ayelet Fishbach on the Science of Motivation

The Team

Learn more about host, Gayle Allen, and producer, Rob Mancabelli, here.

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