Episode Archives

CM 163: Frances Frei on Leadership

What if leaders spent less time building themselves up and more time building up others? When leaders face challenges, they’re often encouraged to take a long, hard look in the mirror. Frances Frei, co-author with Anne Morriss of the book, Unleashed: The Unapologetic Leader’s Guide to Empowering Everyone Around You, agrees that leaders need to…

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CM 162: Don Moore On How To Be Perfectly Confident

What if the biggest barrier to our success wasn’t a lack of confidence but overconfidence? We tend to associate a high degree of confidence with success. In fact, most of us believe it’s a requirement for achieving our goals. Yet extensive research led Don Moore, author of the book, Perfectly Confident: How to Calibrate Your…

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CM 160: Olga Khazan on the Upside of Being Weird

What if we transformed the word weird from an insult to a badge of honor? When we call someone “weird,” it’s rarely positive. Growing up as a self-described “weirdo,” Olga Khazan, author of the book, Weird: The Power of Being an Outsider in an Insider World, decided to explore the upside of being an outsider….

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CM 159: Wayne Baker On The Power of Asking

How much of a role can asking others for help play in achieving our goals? It turns out, quite a bit. In fact, research shows that we’re more likely to achieve success if we make asking for help a part of our strategy. Yet, according to Wayne Baker, author of the book, All You Have…

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