
CM 150: Marc Brackett on Permission to Feel

How can recognizing, understanding, and managing our emotions contribute to our happiness, success, and well-being? Emotions play a big role in our lives. Yet, for most of us, they’re viewed as something to ignore or overcome. For these reasons, we often have little experience identifying our feelings. We say we’re stressed out, when what we…

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CM 124: Liz Fosslien on Emotions at Work

Which emotions should we bring to work and which ones should we leave at home? When it comes to most workplaces, it’s a difficult question to answer. That’s what drove Liz Fosslien and her co-author, Mollie West Duffy, to write their book, No Hard Feelings: The Secret Power of Embracing Emotions at Work. It’s a…

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CM 089: Daniel McGinn on Performing Under Pressure

Maybe performing under pressure is easier than we think. In those moments before an interview, an exam, or a presentation, we often feel our worst. Yet Daniel McGinn, author of the book, Psyched Up: How the Science of Mental Preparation Can Help You Succeed believes we can decrease and even repurpose those anxious feelings to…

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CM 084: Mitch Prinstein on How Popularity Shapes Our Lives

Why are high-school memories of popularity so strong? Because they still shape our lives today. Mitch Prinstein, author of the book, Popular: The Power of Likability in a Status-obsessed World and Professor of Psychology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, explains how teen popularity impacts adult happiness, our health, and our relationships….

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CM 076: Lisa Feldman Barrett on Rethinking Our Emotions

When we get angry or excited, our emotions can seem automatic. But are they? For decades, scientists have described these feelings as hardwired, beyond our control, and associated with certain parts of the brain. But recent breakthroughs in neuroscience and psychology are upending this classical view, with revolutionary implications for how we understand ourselves and…

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