
CM 283: Sandra Matz on Protecting Our Privacy Online

With few exceptions, we have digital footprints. And each time we scroll social media, run a Google search, or use a smartphone to navigate, we’re adding data to that footprint. While we gain a lot from our ability to do all these things, we also feed companies the data they need to target us. Sandra…

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CM 280: Michael Gervais on Overcoming Our Biggest Fear – Rebroadcast

There are many good reasons to look to others. For example, you might need expert advice or feedback to improve your performance. But there’s one reason not to, and, that is, to determine your self-worth. When you look to someone else to define you or tell you how to live your life, you lose a…

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CM 275: Mithu Storoni on Working Smarter

As a knowledge worker, you face two challenges. First, you need to take in staggering amounts of information to stay current. Next, you’re expected to convert that information into innovative solutions that benefit your team and your company. While expectations for consuming and processing information have changed, most of our mental habits harken back to…

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CM 274: Keith Sawyer on Group Genius

We like the idea of the lone genius, that one person who developed a game-changing innovation. But whether or not we realize it, research shows that creativity is collaborative. Yep. You heard that right. And we have lots of examples: the development of the airplane, the Internet, the mountain bike, and so many more. We’re…

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CM 270: Alex Budak Helps Us Become Changemakers

Most of us believe we can make a difference in the world. That we can have an impact. What holds us back from acting on those beliefs are often the doubts. Doubts about our skills, our credentials, even our roles at work. Alex Budak studied the research and interviewed the changemakers, and he argues we…

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