Jonathan Rhodes

CM 280: Michael Gervais on Overcoming Our Biggest Fear – Rebroadcast

There are many good reasons to look to others. For example, you might need expert advice or feedback to improve your performance. But there’s one reason not to, and, that is, to determine your self-worth. When you look to someone else to define you or tell you how to live your life, you lose a…

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CM 267: Michael Gervais on Overcoming Our Biggest Fear

There are many good reasons to look to others. For example, you might need expert advice or feedback to improve your performance. But there’s one reason not to, and, that is, to determine your self-worth. When you look to someone else to define you or tell you how to live your life, you lose a…

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CM 244: Jonathan Rhodes on Getting the Life You Want

There’s a lot to be said for the excitement we feel when we first set a goal for ourselves. The sense of exhilaration can give us the momentum we need to get started. But when the exhilaration wears off – and it usually does – we’re faced with a choice. Will we revert to old…

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