
CM 286: Chris Lipp on Stepping into Your Personal Power

Most advice on power is about why we need it or how we can get it. And it’s typically focused on things outside us, like titles or promotions. While these external markers are important, they can leave us empty inside.  Advice that focuses solely on external power leaves out how to build and maintain the…

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CM 207: David Robson on How Our Expectations Shape Us

From time to time, I’ll run across creative ways people are using apps I like. It often prompts me to learn more. I’ll watch some videos, read a few articles and, inevitably, what I discover is that I’ve been accessing just a fraction of what the software can do.  I got that same feeling while…

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CM 079: Jennifer Mueller on Leading Creative Change

Think we want creative ideas? Think again. While most of us are swimming in creative ideas, the research shows that we tend to go with what we already know. This love-hate relationship with creativity discourages innovation and causes people and organizations to stagnate. Jennifer Mueller, author of the book Creative Change: Why We Resist It…

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CM 074: Lisa Kay Solomon On Designing Strategic Conversations

Leaders face an onslaught of new challenges that demand increasingly innovative solutions. Yet their approaches to finding them often get stuck in either blue-sky brainstorming or bottom-line decision making. Instead, leaders need a path that blends these two approaches — a middle road that engages not only the minds of their teams, but also their…

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CM 007: Janice Kaplan on How Gratitude Changes Your Life

What happens when you dedicate a year of your life to practicing gratitude? Maybe everything. In this groundbreaking new book, The Gratitude Diaries: How a Year Looking on the Bright Side Can Transform Your Life, Janice Kaplan explains the science behind the power of gratitude. The author of twelve books, including The New York Times…

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