
CM 282: Cassie Holmes on Happiness, Meaning, and Fulfillment – Rebroadcast

We go to the dentist, get our eyes checked, and get our cars inspected. These regularly scheduled health and safety audits let us know how we’re doing. But we rarely audit how we spend our time. Sure, most of us have a calendar. Yet few of us study how these calendar events impact our happiness….

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CM 280: Michael Gervais on Overcoming Our Biggest Fear – Rebroadcast

There are many good reasons to look to others. For example, you might need expert advice or feedback to improve your performance. But there’s one reason not to, and, that is, to determine your self-worth. When you look to someone else to define you or tell you how to live your life, you lose a…

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CM 275: Mithu Storoni on Working Smarter

As a knowledge worker, you face two challenges. First, you need to take in staggering amounts of information to stay current. Next, you’re expected to convert that information into innovative solutions that benefit your team and your company. While expectations for consuming and processing information have changed, most of our mental habits harken back to…

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CM 267: Michael Gervais on Overcoming Our Biggest Fear

There are many good reasons to look to others. For example, you might need expert advice or feedback to improve your performance. But there’s one reason not to, and, that is, to determine your self-worth. When you look to someone else to define you or tell you how to live your life, you lose a…

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CM 264: Michael Norton on How Rituals Improve Our Lives

We crave meaning and purpose, yet obtaining them can feel beyond our control, like they’re merely products of luck and circumstance. Fortunately, researchers who’ve studied the power of ritual have found they’re more in our control than we think. In this interview, I talk to one of these researchers, psychologist Michael Norton. He shares how…

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