
CM 286: Chris Lipp on Stepping into Your Personal Power

Most advice on power is about why we need it or how we can get it. And it’s typically focused on things outside us, like titles or promotions. While these external markers are important, they can leave us empty inside.  Advice that focuses solely on external power leaves out how to build and maintain the…

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CM 281: Alison Fragale on Women and Success

If you’re a woman in the workplace, you know the deck is rarely stacked in your favor. For example, promotions are harder to come by. The gender wage gap is real. And power can feel elusive. Psychology professor and researcher, Alison Fragale, has studied the power problem for decades. What she’s figured out is that…

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CM 276: Mary Anderson on Success without Stress

We often assume that stress and anxiety are the price we pay for success. Yet these feelings can lead to burnout and self-doubt, two debilitating outcomes that can get in the way of the very achievements we’re striving for. This is a pattern psychologist Mary Anderson often sees in her high-achieving clients: their very success…

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CM 242: Rainesford Stauffer on Reimagining Ambition

Ambition is complicated. Yet the messages we receive from an early age are simple: “Winners never quit.” “Reach for the stars.” “Follow your dreams.” But like most simple messages, reality often paints a very different picture. Long hours that lead to burnout, or individual striving that results in loneliness. Rainesford Stauffer ran up against these…

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CM 236: Tess Wilkinson-Ryan on When to Play the Fool

No one wants to feel like a sucker. In fact, the very thought of being one – of playing the fool – shapes our behavior in powerful ways. But what if our fear causes us to make choices that aren’t good for us? Or worse, what if people weaponize our fear in order to dominate…

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